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D6 Communicator

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Contact Details

High School

Pre-Primary and Primary School

The school is now using Code4Kids which is presenting a coding and robotics curriculum.
View the promotional video on YouTube.


Chapel, prayer room, 2 halls, 2 computer centres, media centre, art room, 2 tuckshops, afternoon care, extra-curricular assistance to struggling learners, school counselor, 2 soccer fields, 2 netball courts, 2 tennis courts, 3 basketball courts


Netball, basketball (boys and girls), soccer (boys and girls), girls: touch rugby and marimbas (primary and high) social tennis, cricket, community service group, debating, public speaking, drama, choir, drum majorettes

Mission Statement

In doctrinis honorate Dominum

Through learning we honour God

In a Christian atmosphere of loving care and joy, we at Maryvale College aim to promote a community where all share and live out the vision of:

  • a relevant quality education which develops independent thinking and self-discipline preparing children for life;
  • a Catholic education which promotes respect, tolerance, honesty, justice and compassion.